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  • Writer's pictureShirley Owens

Reflection- What is #MyPart? - re convo with Alison Donaghey

“We have so much of a part in everything that happens to us.” -Shirley Owens

What will you create for yourself in 2020? Do you even realize the possibilities? What is your part in creating them? Listen up and start moving towards those New Year resolutions!


00:33 #MY Part

02:00 Your Part In the Coming Year

03:15 2020- A Year of Perfect Vision

05:08 How Much of a Part Will You Consciously Play?


Goodbye 2019; Hello 2020! Make this year a year of vision. Listen in as @SfbaldwinOwens dissects the ways you carry out your part in creating your life. #mypart #create #2020 #YearOfVision #goals


  • 01:20 “We have so much of a part in everything that happens to us.” -Shirley Owens

  • 02:23 “Each day happens to us or we happen to it.” -Shirley Owens

Connect With Alison:

Allison Donaghey is a cause and effect strategist, speaker, and host of the radio show turned podcast, Domino Thinking. She is also the author of an international best selling book, Think Opposite: Using the Domino Effect to Change Your Business, Change the World. Her latest project is #MyPart, a movement that brings us to a place of true empowerment with the goal to see ourselves as part of humanity as a whole rather than dividing into victims and victimizers. Alison is a strong believer that we all have inherent value and if we do our part in keeping that value in ourselves, for ourselves, we are free to achieve anything we want in life.


Shirley Owens: Hello and welcome back to Get What You Want Podcast. Today I am reflecting on my conversation with Alison, and she and I connected a long time ago over a conversation about her #MyPart actually, and I really like a lot of the things that she talks about, how we are the creators of our life, and how everything that happens to us in our life, we have part on. And I know that when something horrible happens, it's really frustrating to think that we had anything to do with it. And when something wonderful happens, we're like, Oh yeah, I had everything to do with that, right? And so, it's kind of a controversial subject, but in all reality, I believe with all my heart that we really do have so much of a part of everything that happens to us.

“We have so much of a part in everything that happens to us.” -Shirley Owens

And I think this is a really good show to end the year on. And that's because we get to reflect back over the year, and think about everything that's happened to us. Everything that we accomplished, that we didn't accomplish, that we went through, all the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it, and really reflect on what our part was in creating that. And then the awesome thing is is that 2020 is right now, we have a whole new year to look forward to, and we have the opportunity to also realize and be aware that we have a part in everything that's going to happen to us this year. So what do you want to create?

And I've been thinking about what I want to create, and so there are so many different things, but each day just kind of happens to us, or we happen to it.

“Each day happens to us or we happen to it.” -Shirley Owens

So I really want to end the year on one, looking back on this past year, 2019, what happened to us? What happened that was good? What happened that was bad? What happened that just happened that didn't fall in either of those categories, and what was our part in creating it? Now, number two, is that I want to look forward to 2020. 2020 is kind of a cool thing, a cool play on words because we talk about our vision, and clarity, and when we go to the doctor and they say that we have the perfect vision, our perfect vision is 2020. So think about 2020 as a year of vision, and look at it as what you want to create. I know a lot of us set new year's resolutions. We set a lot of goals that are maybe a little bit attainable and some that are attainable, but I really want you to think about, what is possible in 2020? And I'd like to think that anything's possible, but start by setting some realistic goals, making commitments to yourself to keep those goals, and then putting action in place of what you're going to do to honor the commitments to reach those goals. And so break it down to little baby steps. And it may be something that you do every week or every month, quarter, whatever. But you know you more than anyone knows you. And for me, I like to wake up every morning and set an intention of what I'm going to do that day, what I'm going to create, what I can do that day to move towards whatever my goals are for the year, or for that month.

So that's where I want you to start, and I would love to have you see that you really can create amazing things. You have the power to affect, change, to play a part in every situation. What is your part? And I'll quote Alison's hashtag, #MyPart, right? So what's your part? Make a decision on what that's going to be this year. How much of a part are you going to consciously play, because you will be playing apart, whether it's conscious or unconscious. How much of that are you going to take control of? How many days are you going to wake up in the morning, and before you even get out of bed, think about what you want to create that day. What are your intentions? And then watch how much power you have when you actually follow through with your commitment to yourself of creating what you set your intentions of.

I hope you all have a beautiful new year. As always, please go to my website,, go to the contact section, and leave me a message on what it is that you want to create, or go to my Facebook, Shirley Baldwin Owens, or my Instagram, sfbaldwin1 go and just comment. Let me know, I want to see what you're working on. I want to see how you're accomplishing it. I want to see if you have any questions on how you're not accomplishing it, or any comments on that. So anyway, I love you all. Thank you for listening. It's the end of this year has just ended with the boom, it's beautiful. I can't wait to see what we're all creating in the next year, and I will see you next week, in 2020. Go create.

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