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  • Writer's pictureShirley Owens

Reflection- Get What You Want by Preventing Your Bad Moments From Turning Into Bad Days - re convo w

“You can live your entire life doing things without ever being something. But you can’t be something without doing.” -Shirley Owens

Are you a do-er or a be-er? In this fast-paced world, being able to accomplish (do) a lot seems to set people apart as “successful”. How do you keep up, yet not let life pass you completely by? Today, Shirley will help you see how you can be both a do-er and a be-er and realize that when you slow down and spend more time “being”, the “doing” is way more enjoyable! Tune in and discover work-life balance in a more compound perspective.


00:50 Doing vs Being

02:50 Slow Down


Do “something” and be “something” Listen in as @SfbaldwinOwens shares how to slow down is you can enjoy the doing more. #getwhatyouwant #create #doing #being #slowdown #balance


  • 01:15 “You can live your entire life doing things without ever being something. But you can’t be something without doing.” -Shirley Owens

  • 03:28 “When you spend some time being, all of your doing will be more enjoyable. Shirley Owens

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Michael O’Brien is an Inspirational Speaker. He is on a quest to help 1 million people have their last bad day. As a Corporate Coach, Michael elevates successful leaders by helping them prevent bad moments from turning into bad days. Before launching into his coaching career, Michael experienced a life-altering event that shattered his worldview. On July 11, 2001, he was struck head-on by a speeding SUV while out on a training bike ride. Now Michael considers this his last bad day and one of his best because it helped him shift his perspective in almost every aspect of his life and career. Michael's peloton helped him get back on the bike and into the corporate executive suite, all while transforming from a human doer to a human being. He shares his journey in his best-selling memoir: Shift, Creating Better Tomorrow's; Winning at Work and in Life and he donates all his proceeds to the World Bicycle Relief foundation. They mobilize people through the power of bicycles. They envision a world where distance is no longer a barrier to education, healthcare, and economic opportunity.


Shirley Owens: Hello and welcome back. I am reflecting on my conversation with Michael O'brien. I really loved everything about it. He and I align on a lot of things, and one thing that I wanted to expand a little on today is doing versus being. It's unfortunate that our world is so caught up in doing that sometimes it takes going through something difficult to realize how important that being part is, and I know that Brian went through that, and a lot of people have had to go through things like that to get to that part and to get to that realization. I have my own little quote that I made up, and that is, "You can live your entire life doing things without ever being something, but you can't be something without doing."

“You can live your entire life doing things without ever being something. But you can’t be something without doing.” -Shirley Owens

That was something that I learned along the way. I've always been a beer, like I've always been present, aware of my surroundings, focused on my relationships, loving those around me, just enjoying nature, and being super aware of what my surroundings were. But I haven't always been a big doer. Not that I didn't do things, but I spent a lot of time dreaming and being without the doing to back it up. And I've learned how to become a doer more recently in the last couple of years. And when you can be both, it's remarkable what gets accomplished. At the same time, people still feel loved and cared for around you. So it's hard to be in this doing world, we live in such a fast paced, get it done society.

My hubby and I were just talking about this the other day, we had realized that we had spent an entire week running errands and doing stuff that we hadn't even paused to spend a minute together, and the week had just gone by so fast, and we just couldn't remember any real quality time together. So we just decided to slow down that day and spend quality time together. And it was funny because I felt a lot more accomplished at that moment than I had the entire week.

So this week, I want you all to slow down a bit, be aware of who you are being in any given situation. Are you looking for the next thing that needs to be done? Or are you being something important to someone, or even actually to yourself? Are you listening? Are you paying attention to your surroundings? Can you hear the birds smell the flowers? See the beauty in nature and the people that are around you? Take time to do this, I promise, when you spend some time BEING, all of your doing will be more enjoyable. As always, I love you all so much. Thank you for your support, and I will see you next Tuesday.

“When you spend some time being, all of your doing will be more enjoyable. Shirley Owens
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