“Each choice that we make either build us up or pull us down.”-Shirley Owens
Each choice we make, leads us to a series of more choices. When we intentionally move along in life making choices that propel us towards the result we want, we are sure to get it. But there are so many distractions in our daily life that hold us back. How do we get rid of those distractions and continue to move towards what we want? It’s just a choice! Listen to this episode to see how being aware can help you create whatever it is you want!
00:50 Awareness of Your Choices is Your Key to Freedom.
02:08 Are You Dragged by Distractions
03:08 Make Conscious Choices
“Awareness of your choices is the key to freedom.” Join @SfbaldwinOwens as she reflects on this powerful quote and its connection to getting what you want. #getwhatyouwant #consciouschoices #awareness #distractions #freedom
01:01 “Each choice that we make either build us up or pull us down.”-Shirley Owens
02:46 “If that thing isn’t adding to the progression of what you want, then why are you even doing it?”- Shirley Owens
Connect With Mary:
Mary Shores is the CEO of Mary Shores Brand, a company that offers Professional Training and Coaching to help their clients achieve their dreams. Mary is also an Influential Speaker, and the author of the book, Conscious Communications. Her philosophy and powerful communication strategy have reframed her entire organization and the lives of those she's trained. With over a decade of training experience, Mary now travels nationally to teach organizations her result-oriented and transformational communications method.
Shirley Owens: Hello and welcome back. Today, I'm reflecting on my conversation from Tuesday with Mary Shores, and really resonated with me, and I loved that conversation. One of the things that we talked about was choices, and how each choice that we make leads to the next choice or series of choices. And each choice that we make, either builds us up or drags us down. Or as Mary says, it either cleanses or clogs you. So you all know that one of my most favorite words is awareness. And I absolutely loved this quote from Mary. She said: "awareness of your choices is your key to freedom." Wow, what a powerful quote. What? The choices I may have something to do with the results I get? I love it. And I think it's funny that sometimes we don't even think about that.
“Each choice that we make either build us up or pull us down.”-Shirley Owens
So what is it that you want to create in your life? What is the end result that you want? How will your next choice move you towards it? I think that each day we all get caught up in what I call distractions. Everyday we, whether it be social media, video games, reading random articles, or even allowing our own stress or irrational thoughts to fill our minds. What if each time you started to entertain a distraction, you stopped, thought about what it is that you really want to create in your life, whether it be to have a more successful business, have better relationships, that are physical fitness, increase spirituality, whatever it is that you really want to create, and then ask yourself this question, does this choice that I'm making right now propel me towards the results I'm wanting? Or is it pausing or even moving me in the opposite direction? If that thing isn't adding to the progression of what you want, then why are you even doing it? What purpose is it serving?
“If that thing isn’t adding to the progression of what you want, then why are you even doing it?”- Shirley Owens
I truly feel that these distractions are the thing that keep us from getting what we want. So this week, I would have you look inside yourself, figure out what it is that you really want, and then be aware of the choices that you're making in your daily life that are keeping you from getting it. Awareness of your choices is your key to freedom. Who doesn't want to be free? Who doesn't want to get what they want? And why do we not even pay attention to those little things everyday that kind of run us? So again, like I always say, we either happened to our day or our day happens to us, and by allowing these distractions to kind of run our day, we are not running it ourselves, it's taking our power.
As always, thank you for listening. I love you all so much, and I will see you next Tuesday.