“Wherever you are right now is perfect. There's nothing wrong with it. It's perfect.” –Shirley Owens
Often, when we look back, we look back with regrets. That’s what makes the idea of a time machine so appealing to us. We want to change the past and make things right. What if we could realize that where we’ve been and where we are, is perfect? Our past is there for a purpose…to create our future.
00:48 Would You Change the Past?
01:37 What Made You Who You Are
02:10 You Are in the Perfect Place
You are where you need to be. @SfbaldwinOwens will help you realize that everything’s just perfect and there’s no need to focus on past mistakes or failures. #past #changes #perfect #learn #moveon
“I am who I am because of everything I've gone through.” –Shirley Owens
“Wherever you are right now is perfect. There's nothing wrong with it. It's perfect.” –Shirley Owens
“It doesn't matter where we are, we're right where we need to be and whatever we need to learn from it. As long as we learn it, then we'll progress and we'll get to the next place.” –Shirley Owens
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Justin Schenck is on a mission to teach the world that it isn’t about where you come from, it’s about the decisions you make today to catapult yourself to who you want to become. Justin has been named a Top 8 Podcaster to watch in 2018 by INC.com and chosen as an ‘Icon of Influence’ in the new media space. What started out as a way to connect with top people and inspire others has become a way of life. Now getting played in over 100 countries every single week he is able to make a greater impact than he could ever imagine. He not only speaks to organizations on how to overcome adversity and utilize podcasting to grow your business but he helps others launch and grow their own podcasts with www.beginpodcastingnow.com. His vision? To teach the world how to live happy no matter where they are today. “It’s about the journey not the destination.”
Shirley Owens: So I'm reflecting on my conversation with Justin Schenck today, and at the end I asked him the same question I ask everybody and that is what would you change or do differently if you could? And his answer was the same answer that I get almost from every single person. And that is, "I wouldn't change anything. It's made me who I am." And it's interesting because people ask me that all the time, like, all of the things that I've been through, everything that I've experienced, the good, the bad, the ugly, the horrific, what would I change? Or what I change anything? Or people would say, or will say to me. Oh, I'm so sorry that you went through that, or I can't believe you had to go through that, or bothers me every day that you'd go through that. And what I realized is that I am who I am because of everything I've gone through.
“I am who I am because of everything I've gone through.” –Shirley Owens
And I would not be this person, had I not gone through every one of those things. And one of those things being changed could have rerouted my whole life to be something different than I am, and I really love who I am. I love the ability that I have to help others. I love the obstacles that I've overcome so that I can help others overcome the same obstacles. So I want my listeners to understand something and I think it's super important and that is, "Wherever you are right now is perfect. There's nothing wrong with it, it's perfect."
“Wherever you are right now is perfect. There's nothing wrong with it. It's perfect.” –Shirley Owens
You are in the perfect place for your journey. Make yourself aware, think about how you can progress. Think about what you can learn from everything that's happened and then just continue on to the next day, and wherever you are the next day is perfect. That is my reflective moment for the day. And I think it's super important. Doesn't matter where we are, we're right where we need to be and whatever we need to learn from it, as long as we learn it, then we'll progress and we'll get to the next place.
“It doesn't matter where we are, we're right where we need to be and whatever we need to learn from it. As long as we learn it, then we'll progress and we'll get to the next place.” –Shirley Owens
So thank you for listening and have a beautiful day.