You have to just get in the habit of showing up for you and for your goal because you're worth it.” -Adam Schaeuble
Sometimes hitting rock bottom is just what we need to encourage us to start moving upward. In this episode, Shirley gets to know Adam Schauble and hear his inspiring “Million Pound Mission” story. Adam and Shirley also have a fun chat about taking the finger of blame and pointing it back at yourself. Being accountable for your choices and actions will ultimately help you to Get What You Want!
03:21 Rock Bottom Moments
06:37 Setting A Lot Of Goals
09:14 Accepting Responsibilities In Life
14:45 Step-By-Step Approach
21:49 Finding Balance In Health
24:55 Always Connect And Enjoy
27:29 Being An Implementation Dynamo
How’s your weight loss journey going so far? Tune in as @SfbaldwinOwens and Adam Schauble and join the Million Pound Mission today!
07:04 “Sometimes you have to focus on one thing and drive hard. Then maintain the others.” -Adam Schaeuble
09:38 “Taking that finger of blame… from pointing it outwards at everyone else, not necessarily blaming yourself, but accepting responsibility over your life.” -Adam Schaeuble
10:04 “We can't control what other people say to us, what they do to us, but we can control a hundred percent how we react to that and how we internalize that.” -Adam Schaeuble
11:14 “Who we are being, is what controls a lot of our outcomes.” - Shirley Owens
12:41 “We learn something and take that lesson, moving forward, we don't make the same mistake over and over and over again.” -Adam Schaeuble
17:46 “As people learn about themselves, they learn about their triggers and new things that come up.” - Shirley Owens
24:00 “You have to go through that period of being out of balance towards the healthy side of the equation first.” -Adam Schaeuble
28:25 You have to just get in the habit of showing up for you and for your goal because you're worth it.” -Adam Schaeuble
Connect With Adam:

Adam Schauble is aka the “PHD” (Previously Heavy Dude). He hit a rock bottom moment in his life where he weighed 327 pounds. He then went on his own hundred-pound weight loss journey. As he was on this journey, he started to inspire people in his hometown to join him. He started a gym and a boot camp program and helped his hometown lose over 35,000 pounds in five years. Now, he's the host of the top-ranked health podcast, the Million Pound Mission, where his goal is to inspire 1 million pounds of healthy results, which he tracks on his website, millionpoundmission.com. Adam is known for helping females and a few men over the age of 30 that are super busy being employees, entrepreneurs, partners, friends, and moms. Adam impacts his community by teaching them his Seven Steps for long term weight loss success that have produced a total of 55,000 pounds of results for his clients and community members so far.
Shirley Owens: My guest today is Adam Schaeuble, aka The PHD (previously heavy dude). He hit a rock bottom moment in his life where he weighed 327lbs. He then went on his own 100lb weight loss journey, and as he was on this journey, he started to inspire people in his home town to join him. He started a gym and a bootcamp program, and helped his hometown lose over 35,000 lbs in five years. Now he's the host of the top ranked health podcasts, The Million Pound Mission, where his goal is to inspire 1 million pounds of healthy results, which he tracks on his website MillionPoundMission.com. Adam is known for helping females and a few men over the age of 30 that are super busy being employees, entrepreneurs, partners, friends and moms. These are the people that tend to put themselves and their health last on the priority list, and Adam teaches them how to escape the Black Hole of Weight Loss Doom, which is where most people get trapped in the vicious cycle of losing weight and gaining it back over and over again. Adam impacts his community by teaching them his 7 Steps For Long Term Weight Loss Success that have produced a total 55,000 pounds of results for his clients and community members so far. Wow, that's so exciting. That's a lot of pounds. I saw one of those 5lbs lost fats on YouTube. I'm like picturing that piled up. So welcome Adam, I'm so excited for you to be here.
Adam Schaeuble: Well, thank you. Shirley. I am always honored to be a guest on anyone's podcast. It's an honor to share a platform with the host and it's something I'm very excited about you launching your show and getting your message out there, and I'm just going to throw some support you direction.
Shirley Owens: Awesome. Thanks so much. So I'm one of those moms, I'm not an employee, but I'm busy for sure being a mom, entrepreneur, all of these things, and over 30, and so I'm super excited to learn about this. Definitely weight loss is a good thing, and getting healthy is even better.
Adam Schaeuble: Yeah. Yeah. And when you talk about getting what you want, I know that there's a lot of, like I said, I kind of specialize in females, and that just happened. I don't even know how that happened, Shirley. Honestly, it's just like, no matter where I go, 80 to 90% of the people that listen to what I have to say are female. So that's just how it works out.

Shirley Owens: You have that much of special charm.
Adam Schaeuble: I don't know, I don't know. But that is, I just kind of own that, like that's my demographic, that's who I'm able to help the most, and that's where I'm out there doing. And I feel like there are a lot of women out there that really do want to reclaim control over their health. And that's what I'm all about.
Shirley Owens: Oh, for sure. So let's start a little bit about your story. Like I always love to hear how people got to where they are, especially when you're doing so much, and somehow in there you found a secret.
Adam Schaeuble: Yes. The secret sauce. Well, about 12 years ago now, that's what you talked about in the intro there. That was my rock bottom moment. I weighed 327 pounds, I had some depression going on, some eating issues going on. Obviously, my finances at $40,000 at credit card debt, relationships weren't going the way that I wanted them to. And I had that moment where I found myself in the grocery store with a credit card trying to pay for the groceries, hoping that I had enough space on the card before I had to go on and get a new one and play that game. And I went home, and I decided for things to change. I needed to start changing. That's the moment I kind of just sunk my feet firmly into the ground. And I said, okay, no more steps backward. We're only going forward.
Shirley Owens: Wow.
Adam Schaeuble: And that was when things to change. I had to change for things to get better. I needed to get better. And that was the day that I started getting better, and hat was July 7th, of 2007 that that happened. And the reason I know that date is because I repeated, well, I was aware of that date for the next five years. You mentioned that I helped my hometown, there's 35,000 pounds. And a part of that process was I created a, what I call my lifestyle rehabilitation statement on July 7th, 2012, the day I came home from the grocery store. And I read that statement as a positive affirmation. It detailed what I wanted to create in my life, it detailed what I wanted in my life. And I read that without fail, morning and night, every morning, every night, every morning to set the tone and wake myself up, and be aware of what I wanted. And then every night for accountability, did I do anything to move the needle in this direction, if not? Do something now before I go to bed. And in that five years, I lost a 100lbs.
Shirley Owens: Wow.
Adam Schaeuble: I got rid of all my credit card debt, I found love, I got married, started a family, started a business, helped 15 people in my hometown who was over 100lbs. I helped 35,000 pounds, the results total. I started a business, started a bootcamp. And then five years later, I opened up my official facility where I had a hundred people waiting there for me. I missed my deadline by seven days of my five year goal, that's okay. I gave, yeah, that was close enough. It was like a zoning issue with our local, when we were opening up our building, sounds like, ah, the zoning people will get you every time. But I had a hundred people there waiting at 6:00 AM to listen to what I had to say, and be coached by me. And that was just a total transformation that happened over that five year period. And I'm very proud of that.
Shirley Owens: Wow. You should be, that is just crazy. That is so many things, you know? I find that when you get power over something, right? And a lot of time, I think it's food. You hear a lot of stories that when people finally can be in charge of their food, like take the power back from their food, or whatever it is in their life that's holding them back. Everything, you become more powerful in everything, and it sounds like you did exactly that, in everything.
Adam Schaeuble: Yeah, and it's not something that's good and it's bad. It's really because I set a lot of goals and a lot of different directions. And it's good because I had nowhere to go. I was at the bottom and there was nowhere to go but make progress, so that was good. But also, sometimes people spread themselves a little too thin with their goals. So they'll set like a weight loss goal, and a strength goal, and a money goal, and a relationship goal, and they move like one millimeter every year in the right direction, each one. So sometimes you have to focus on one thing and really drive hard and kind of maintain the others. But with me, my mantra when I went to bed, it wasn't make progress in every direction every single day. It was more of, did I do something to move the needle in one of these directions? So it kinda took some pressure off me actually where I didn't have to crush it financially, but maybe I did a great workout that day, or maybe I miss my workout, but I made a great connection with business and I was able to grow my network. So as long as I did something in one of those directions, that was the key from me.
“Sometimes you have to focus on one thing and drive hard. Then maintain the others.” -Adam Schaeuble
Shirley Owens: That's awesome. Yeah. I talk a lot about intention, and either we can happen to life or it can happen to us, and setting that intention everyday, and I like the idea of setting that at night too. Or you know, like reflecting on your day at night, I think that's such a great way because it's just constantly, it's in your dreams, it's in your subconscious, it's just present all the time with you, your different goals. And do you find that some of the things you weren't even setting as goals but they were just a result of what you were doing?
Adam Schaeuble: Oh, yeah. Just my mindset. I mean, Shirley, just flipping that mindset switch from, I compare myself to what I used to be, my old mindset. It's like standing in a hallway with the lights off and the doors might open or they might be shut, but you don't know because the lights are off. But just switching my mindset to being positive, having these positive affirmations, it's like the light switch got turned on and I could see the doors that were open. I can go and look through them, view those opportunities and choose to take them or not. Before, I didn't even see the opportunities at all. So there's plenty of amazing things, and friendships, and business partnerships, and obviously relationships that popped up, that I wasn't even planning on achieving any goals in that direction at all.
Shirley Owens: Wow, that's awesome. So do you feel that there was something underlying in the background that got you to that point in the first place? Not to go back, but you know, just like, what was the mindset? You know, we talk about mindset, but I think when people haven't actually felt it, it's hard to wrap themselves around changing it. They're like, okay, I know that I can change it. But how?
Adam Schaeuble: So you mentioned that earlier, Shirley, we have to make that choice, are we going to create the life that we want? Are we gonna allow life to happen to us? And so many of us just get trapped in that mindset that we are the victim. I talk to my podcasts all the time were the hardest exercises, this is a trick question, people are like: "What's the best exercise?" And I'm like: "Well, let me give you the hardest exercise." It's taking that finger of blame, and from taking it from pointing it outwards at everyone else, and not necessarily blaming yourself, but accepting responsibility over your life. You turn that finger around, you point it right directly at you, and say, all right, what am I going to do about this? And that was the thing that was holding me back. I was in victim mode. I was like, Oh, life, this happened to me. That happened to me. This person did this thing to me. And I decided just to take control. And we can't control what other people say to us, what they do to us, but we can control a 100% how we react to that, and how we internalize that. And I just started doing that differently, and it changed everything for me. I get all fired up on podcasts like this and people email me or send me a message on Instagram, like, you're unstoppable. This is crazy.
“Taking that finger of blame… from pointing it outwards at everyone else, not necessarily blaming yourself, but accepting responsibility over your life.” -Adam Schaeuble
Shirley Owens: I love it.
Adam Schaeuble: But I have bad days too. Like, I get down on myself, and like, it's not like I'm 1000% on fire every single day. I don't want to set that impossible standard for you guys, but I want you to realize that this just gives me, this mindset gives me a moment to pause and internalize, and maybe I have a bad day, but before it would have been a bad week or a bad month. And that's the progress that I'm talking about is better than before, and that's the real key.
“We can't control what other people say to us, what they do to us, but we can control a hundred percent how we react to that and how we internalize that.” -Adam Schaeuble
Shirley Owens: Oh, for sure. I think sometimes people do think that they can't have a bad day, or a bad moment when they picture mindset. But I do talk a lot about this too, like pointing the finger at yourself and that sounds kind of harsh, but really who we are being in life, who we are being is what controls a lot of our outcomes. And it does do something to stop pointing our fingers, because it was just like a rabbit hole. You just keep going down and there's not a way of getting out of it. And so I love the idea of turning that finger back and really looking within, because we have so much power and so much control. I mean, that's what my podcast is about too, is who we're being in life is how we get what we want. So thank you for sharing that with me. And I love the fact that it's okay to have a bad day once in awhile. I have 'em, you have 'em, it's okay, but when have a mindset switch, it helps you to just be like, Oh, okay, I'm having a bad day. I'm going to get through it. I'm going to live. It's nobody else's fault. It is what it is, and I'm going to go to bed, and the sun's going to rise, and tomorrow I can have a really good day.
“Who we are being, is what controls a lot of our outcomes.” - Shirley Owens
Adam Schaeuble: Well, I just saw this quote this morning. it's amazing that we're talking about this, but several online communities, and one of them we're doing a daily inspirational quote challenge this week, and somebody posted a quote that I loved, it said: "So far, you have survived successfully all of your bad days. You're doing good." I was like, that is exactly right. We have survived 100% of our bad days and we are doing good. So what are we going to learn from those experiences? That's how we turn that negative into a positive. Tony Robbins talks about, there's no such thing as failure, as long as we learn something and take that lesson moving forward, we don't make the same mistakes over, and over, and over again. I talk about this, and when I coach people on weight loss, I say we can't keep driving into the same hole in the road. It doesn't matter if we have a bike, or walking, or if we have a car, if the hole in the road exists and we just keep on driving towards it, we're always going to fall in that same hole, and we'll never get to the other side. And so fixing that danger zone and fixing that thing that always throws you off track, whether it's going on spring break and you blow your diet, and don't get back to the gym for three months, or nighttime eating, or work stress, or whatever, you know? What is that thing in our life that is that hole in the road? It doesn't matter what modality we take there when we're trying to get healthy. I don't care what nutrition program you're following, Weight Watchers, Paleo, Keto, Vegan, it doesn't matter to me if you always stress, eat at night, and blow your diet. That's the area that we focus on first, and that's how I've been able to create success for so many people.
“We learn something and take that lesson, moving forward, we don't make the same mistake over and over and over again.” -Adam Schaeuble
Shirley Owens: So if I am just somebody off the street, and I come to you, and I say, Adam, I need help, I can't do this anymore, I've hit rock bottom, I need to lose weight, not only do I need to lose weight, but I need to lose that weight in my mind, I want to get healthier. What's the first thing? What's the first thing you do?

Adam Schaeuble: So, great question. And there are always people out there that listen, that have these thoughts. I'm glad that you brought this up. First thing is I'm going to disabuse this person of the pressure they're putting on themselves, that the next decision has to fix everything forever. You know what I'm saying? I see this all the time, Adam, I've done Weight Watchers, I've done Keto, I've been vegan, I've done intermittent fasting, I lose 30 pounds, I gain it back every time, I heard you, you help people, they lose it and keep it off forever, blah, blah, blah, the next decision has to fix it. This is an immense amount of pressure, not for me as a coach, but for them, that they're putting on their own shoulders and it's like getting healthy game. It's not linear, and it's not one decision forever, you know? Right now, I look for the right tool for the right job. So right now, maybe we decide that intermittent fasting is the way to go, and we'll reassess that every 28 days. And we give ourselves the flexibility to shift that right tool for the right job. When you're building a chair, you get the right tools for the chair. You're going to build a bed, you get the right tools to build a bed. And we aren't going to put pressure on ourselves. So I take that away first. And I explained that, that we're going to go 28 days at a time. And if we break that down even further, it's one good decision at a time. So that's where we start. And then the next step is escaping that black hole of weight loss doom, that I kind of alluded to earlier, where we start looking at their transformation danger zones. Like what is the thing that always trips you up? What's the hole in the road that you haven't fixed yet? Then it doesn't matter what nutrition or fitness protocol you use, it always trips you up. So first step, disabuse them of that mindset that they have to fix everything forever with their next decision. Second step, let's start looking at those transformation danger zones that really get people stressed. And Shirley, do you know what, if you take the word stressed, if you spell it backwards, you know when it spells? Desserts. True fact.
Shirley Owens: I love that.
Adam Schaeuble: True fact. So when people get stressed, they be eating desserts, and that's not what we want. So I'm there to keep you off the dessert tray as well.
Shirley Owens: I love that. And I like how you say, it's not just one decision. I often find in my coaching practice that people think that they have to make a decision. Everyone thinks they have to make a decision, like, we'll, have to do this, or this? Or I have to do this, or this? I have to stay, or leave? I have to eat, or not eat? I have to exercise, or not? And I tell people like, just slow down, there are 50 options in between that. We don't have to always make a decision right this minute that this is going to be our whole life. And I like that it's evolutionary for you, you know? Like it just evolves in 28 days, if that's not working, we readjust. Or if one diet isn't working, we readjust, we try something else, you know? So there's, I think that as people learn about themselves, they also learn about their triggers, and new things that come up. And yeah, I really, I love that idea. So one of the things for me, personally, I have about 25 pounds that I could do away with, but I'm really good eater, I've always been super conscious of that. I feel like I'm super happy, when it's not a dessert thing because that seems to be the killer for everyone, but I don't even do that. What would you go to next if somebody came to you and said like, I'm not only tried everything, but I really am a healthy, happy person, it's just not coming off.
“As people learn about themselves, they learn about their triggers and new things that come up.” - Shirley Owens
Adam Schaeuble: Oh, that's another great question there, Shirley, that's when we dig in. Take a low key experimental approach, all right. And another mistake that I see people making is that, if you're, I don't know how familiar you are with archery, but you don't want to pull every arrow out of the quiver and fire them all at once because we're not going to know what works, right? We know that one of them might hit a bullseye, but we're not sure which one it was, so we had to keep doing everything. So what we'd start doing is experimenting with little tweaks, and honestly for a lot of people, they come to me and say exactly what you said, and then I go: "Okay, for the next 14 days, I want you to use MyFitnessPal, and I want you to weigh, and measure, and track everything that you consume, just so I can get a really good picture of what's going on here." And for most people, they are barely eating any calories. They're eating like a thousand calories, 900 calories a day, 700 calories, so they aren't losing because their body is in quote unquote starvation mode. It's not giving up any more body fat because it thinks that it needs that for survival, and your metabolism is wrecked. So when people come back, I would say 75% of the time this is the case, the calories are way too low. Then as a coach, I come back and go: "Alright, we double how much you're eating." And they're like: "Oh, my God, worst coach ever." But then I'm like: "Do you trust me? Do you trust me? I've helped 55,000, approaching 56,000 pounds of results. I've done this with myself, with so many people, can you trust me for a two week experiment?" And usually they say: "Yes." I'm like: "All right, let's do this." And they eat more, and they start losing weight because their body readjust. It starts to recalibrate, and it says, okay, we can release some of this body fat because now we're getting adequate nutrition. So that's the case for a lot of people, but all in all, we take that experimental mindset for 28 days. So maybe you are getting enough calories. And I say: "Okay, let's try doing a 15 minute workout everyday and see what that stimulus does. Or maybe we try intermittent fasting, or one 24 hour fasting per week." But we only do one of these things at a time for each 28 day cycle. And I eventually figure people out. It's like we're eating healthy, and we're sleeping well, and we're moving and sweating, then there's a few little variables. I've never, not been able to figure somebody out by just taking this slow and steady approach, and we find the variable that works eventually, the results might start to slow down, and we add a new stimulus in there, but we're not going to pull every single arrow out and fire them all at once for sure. Because like I said, then we don't know exactly the thing that was actually helped.
Shirley Owens: Right. Oh, I love that. That's awesome. So what would be something, and maybe that was the answer, like something that would be surprising to people when they think about weight loss, or diet, I mean, I think that's a lot to say that we usually think calories in, calories out, right? I do have a daughter that's a collegiate gymnast issue and I remember her, she's studying nutrition, she's about to graduate. But I remember her saying that she doubled all these calories, and ate a ton more, and that's how she lost weight. So that's interesting to me that you say that because it's definitely not something that we would think of. So are there any other kind of funny things like that, maybe myths that people, they think that that's going to help them, and it really hurts them?

Adam Schaeuble: Well, another kind of almost backwards thinking or just a mindset shift that I really have to shake people lose with when they first, you know, people are coming on board with any of my stuff, or joining in my communities, or just listening to my podcast, they're going to get it real quick that I think pretty differently than a lot of people do. But one of the points I really hammer home is, people want to achieve balance, right? That they come to me and say: "I want to enjoy my life, and I want to be healthy. I don't like doing diets because I feel deprived, I feel antisocial." You know, all these things. So they have this barrier built up. So I tell them, and I communicate effectively, and I say: "Listen, one of my biggest goals, if not the biggest goal I have for every client is to find that balance to help you get there of, the balance of your health is very top notch, and you are satisfied with your lifestyle. You don't feel deprived, especially in your relationships and socially, that's very important to me." And I'm like: "You want to get there?" Yes. They will say: "Yes." And I said: "Okay, how do you feel like that balance is right now?" And this is kind of the eye opening moment because what they realize is that their lifestyle is way outweighing the health aspects. So they're putting their health on the back burner to focus on careers. They don't have time to eat healthy so they don't eat so healthy, social engagements, some adult beverages, all those things. So if we're going to imagine two letters, H for health and L for lifestyle, the H is like lowercase and very small but L is capital and very big. So what I say is: "All right, we can't just shift this into balance. It doesn't work that way. We have to rebalance. So for a certain period of time, I need that H to go capital and get really big, and I need that L to go lowercase and get really small just for a period of time. And I promise you, once we establish that and we have that focus point of health where we're going to bed a little bit earlier, we're sacrificing some nights out with the ladies for wine after work, or maybe you tag in your spouse or your parent to handle the kids so you can get a workout and you make some of those sacrifices for a period of time. And then we rebalance and find that sweet spot where the health and the lifestyle is good to go and they are equal. But you have to go through that period of being out of balance towards the healthy side of the equation first." And that's usually an eyeopener. So I'm saying: "All right, we don't have to do this forever, but this is what I need for now. For the next two months, for the next three months, or whatever it is. And then we rebalanced from there, and I'm going to get you there. You just have to trust me." And usually, more often, they accept that challenge and we get after it.
“You have to go through that period of being out of balance towards the healthy side of the equation first.” -Adam Schaeuble
Shirley Owens: It's beautiful. Yeah, I imagine your coaching is so personable because every single person is different. They're all on a different path, and they all have something to work with. So yeah, I really love that. I always ask two questions on my show. One is, is there anything that you regret or would do differently going back to this, it sounds like you have such an amazing journey that you went on, but is there anything that, if you could go back mindset wise, or physical wise, or anything that you would do differently?
Adam Schaeuble: Yeah, this is not I've been thinking a lot about, and I appreciate the question. And honestly, the one thing I would do, and the one thing I teach younger health entrepreneurs and podcasters to do is to really be in the moment, and really connect with your audience, and really enjoy that audience because you never know when things could shift. And a good example with me is, as I opened my gym and our local program was just booming, when I first started in 2009 when we opened up our gym officially as far as doing bootcamps and things like that, that was, we were one of five fitness facilities in our town of Bloomington, Indiana, it's a college town, but it's not huge, that did bootcamps. So we were in demand, and everybody came to us for that transformation, locally owned, you know, the whole thing. Now in 2019, 10 years later, there are over 50 options. So it went from just five people, and I was doing bootcamps of 50, 80, 100, 120, 150 people, now we're doing like 10, 15 people in a class, it's just the attention as a way divided out now that all the big franchises are in town, I really miss that. Obviously, I've kind of ramped up my platform, but now I've got an international audience, so I still get to teach a lot of people and do that. But I miss my hometown connection for sure. Another good example is I'm doing a local event here in town, and I'm having speakers from all over the country, and I've actually got more people registered to come to my event in my hometown from Canada than I do from my hometown.
Shirley Owens: That's so funny.
Adam Schaeuble: So yeah, I know there are people listening right there that are listening right now going, damn, if I was in Bloomington, Indiana, I would go to this guy's gym like every day because he's inspirational and all that stuff. It's something that's going to slip through my fingers a little bit. That connection with the local people and I'm kind of bummed about that, but that would be one thing that I would shift is, when I was at the prime of being a little more present, and really just sit with that, and know that that probably won't be like that forever.
Shirley Owens: Yeah, I can imagine that. And you're so present and personable now, all of my experiences with you, that's how you are. So yeah, I get that. My other question is, if you could leave our listeners today with one piece of advice to help them to start this mindset change towards getting what they want, what would it be?
Adam Schaeuble: My superpower, Shirley, is I'm an implementation dynamo. I implement like none other.
Shirley Owens: So, I might need you.
Adam Schaeuble: I don't mess around. So I've got a mindset, and then I've got an action step. So the mindset is this, I want you to view your biggest goal, your biggest dream, your dream life as a giant tree in your front yard, all right? And your job in life is when the alarm goes off, you plant your feet on the ground, you pick up the ax, you walk out the door, and you take a swing, and you do that everyday. Swinging the ax is the key, it's the effort. And some days you swing and you miss. Some days you swing and you make a huge connection, and you take a chunk out of that goal. And other days it's a little bit in between, but we're not trying to chop down the entire tree with one swing in one day, you have to just get in the habit of showing up for you and for your goal because you're worth it. And that goal, and that dream that you're building for yourself, that's worth it. So it's all about the action. And I'm a big law of attraction guy, but you can't smell attraction without action. And that is the deal, right? Implementation now. So the action step I'm going to put behind this, Shirley, if you talk to me long enough, you'll [inaudible] for one step, I sneak like 14 steps within one step.
You have to just get in the habit of showing up for you and for your goal because you're worth it.” -Adam Schaeuble
Shirley Owens: That's awesome.
Adam Schaeuble: So this is the action step. I call it my implementation alarm challenge. So if I have sparked one idea, or one thought, or one idea came into your mind and you're like, I'm going to do this, or I need to do this, or this goal is something that I want to achieve. I want you to think about that for a second. And no matter, you know, most people listen to podcasts on their phone, and almost all phones have an alarm on them. So what I want you to do is go to your phone alarm and set it for 24 hours from right now, and I just want you to do something before that alarm goes off to just knock over the first domino, to take that swing of the ax, don't chop down the whole tree. How do you initiate momentum in the next 24 hours? Maybe it's an email, maybe it's a book, maybe it's reaching out to somebody on Instagram, it can be anything. Maybe it's your first workout, maybe your drinking water instead of diet Coke. What is that first domino you're going to knock over in the next 24 hours? And if that alarm goes off and you haven't done it yet, do it then. I don't care where you at, who you with, do the thing then and get it done because that's how we initiate momentum, and you guys are worth it. You have to remember that.
Shirley Owens: Ooh, I love that. I love it. So, okay, so you don't just coach in your hometown now, right? You have an online program, you have a lot of things going on for you. How can our listeners find you? Because you are a valuable, I'm excited about this.
Adam Schaeuble: Well, thank you, thank you. A millionpoundmission.com is the mothership, that's the home base. I'm trying to be a little more tame about not doing 45 things at the same time as far as I've got all these new programs, and they're all launching at once. My wife gets on me, -- my team, they're like, okay, now this is the 12th thing, we have live that we're offering. So once per quarter, I open enrollment in my online membership, and that's the first month of each quarter. And we take people in there, they can do a free 10 day trial, check it out. It's a cool community, we do a lot of one-on-one chats, we do some group stuff, but it's all, basically what I've talked about in this interview is the process that we use, a lot of accountability, community, and just a ton of game planning and support around that. And then every once in a while I'll do live events and workshops, but Million Pound Mission, if you have questions, you can always hit me up on Instagram at Million Pound Mission. I'm very active on the Insta, and check out the podcast, Million Pound Mission.
Shirley Owens: Awesome. Well, thanks so much for being here, this is exciting. I'm going to go set my alarm right now, and I can't wait to tell you what I did in the next 24 hours, so thanks so much for being on the Get What You Want Podcast.
Adam Schaeuble: Shirley, thank you so much. I appreciate you again for sharing your platform with me, and if you guys get anything out of this, I would really, really appreciate it. If you head over to Apple podcast, leave a five star review and mentioned the PHD, the previously heavy dude as your favorite episode, that builds my ego, and it also helps Shirley. It's kinda like putting a tip in her podcast tip jar, and that's a great way to show support of the show. So thanks again Shirley.
Shirley Owens: Awesome. Thanks Adam.